woensdag 21 december 2011

dinsdag 20 december 2011


This show is one of my many loves/obsessions. I remember when I started to watch it, I was expecting a simple daily life comedy, but it was so much more... It blew my mind...

The story and characters are just brilliant.

maandag 7 november 2011

Good ol' mango

For the heck of it!
It's kinda small because I was in a hurry scanning it and heh... not too much detail in here anyway.

woensdag 12 oktober 2011

After match~!

It's been a long time since my last update.
I had some competitions for my school. I had to make an ugly cake last week and today an ugly Matcha POUND cake. XDXD But it was tasty~!

Last month I let someone design my Butler uniform for Blue Tail Cafe. Her name is Riritto or Ririkuto from http://ririkuto.deviantart.com/
They're done ~! I can't wait for Tsunacon!!!
Thank you very much for making our designs Riritto-chan~!!

Here you go, a request from my friend. Aka-chan~!

It's Prince of Tennis Month~! YAY

Andru T.

maandag 12 september 2011

Sup sup


With con-season over and Phantom Night not going to any more events this year, it's time to look forward and make cool things! I will be poking some of our artists to try new things (including myself of course). 
Maybe do a small artbook... Ahh... Happy times. 
I just wish everybody would fool around with PN more, rather than cakes!!

Have a close up of a moogle watercolour pic instead of a usefull update:

vrijdag 2 september 2011

Abunai is overrrrrrrr!

Hey all,

We had a great time at Abunai and we would like to thank all the crazy people we've met and those who  purchased our new doujin!
With that I would like to add: we only have THREE copies of KHR1 left! Be sure to get this rare and EXTREEM doujin!

It was a super hectic weekend, mainly because about 20 things went wrong in the 2 weeks leading to the con and while getting there. Man, who would have imagined such a mad thunder and rainstorm (as far as storms go in Holland) would cause the trains to go boom. Members not sleeping enough caused quite some incidents too, but let's not talk about that haha;;.

Next time we'll see you is Tsunacon! Be prepared for new doujins and new series!!

donderdag 25 augustus 2011

Tomorrow Abunai~!!

Tomorrow is Abunai~!
I'm a little bit tired .. (>.<)''
Please visit us at Abunai~!!

zondag 21 augustus 2011

Hello Hello~!

Abunai is almost there. Those past days was hell.
Our printing office, our "Concrete City" is there right now, was making for us difficult.
When we gave them our manuscript, they told us to change the format...
We changed the format in B6 with other things. And SEND~ 04.00 AM.
They told us "When are you going to send you manuscript?"
WTF !@@!!?!? We gave them on 4.00 is the morning!! With proof ~![ Hello mail history~!!]
So I hope they're finished before Abunai~! *prays*

Stresss and more stress... we couldn't finish our book on the first deadline, okay we did finish them without screentones. When they told us to chang the format. We were desperate to finish our book for real. From 16.00 to 3.00 XD XD XD Screentones go to hel!!

For now..
I'm drawing some illustrations~! For fun of course~~

Andru T.

dinsdag 16 augustus 2011


We're a little bit late XDXD
Abunaicon is next week already!!
TWO Days is our deadline~!!!! YAY

zondag 14 augustus 2011

Some update before Abunaicon 2011.
We going to change KHR Concrete City II Cover.
This is more interesting than the previous cover, right?

It's going to be a all nighters for me today~

Andru T.

vrijdag 5 augustus 2011


Screw making doujins, we now make pig-businesscard-holders.
We are still testing to see if it can hold pigs...

woensdag 27 juli 2011

Hello Everyone~!!

Yeah I know.
It's been a long time since I update something on this blog.
Here some update.

I haven't completed this yet.
Only need some coloring and correct some mistakes.
I'm currently working on "Concrete City Vol 1."
Going to update some review soon.

I'm thinking about NOT making Posters or illustrations for AbunaiCon 2011. Maybe some sketches and inking with watercolors.

Sorry for those who wants Poster or Illustrations from me.
See you soon at AbunaiCon 2011 in Veldhoven.

xxx~ Andru T.

Abunai is cominnnggg!

Hey lovelies : D

With Abunai just around the corner, we are all busy with the second doujin in the Katekyõ Hitman Reborn: Concrete City series, as well as doing nothing and enjoying the "dutch summer" that seems to be going on in the clouds...

We'll have some new posters, some OC, some fanart. Here is the lineart of one on paper:

I name her Bo heehee

Hopefully you'll be surpised by all our new things at Abunai!

See ya

dinsdag 28 juni 2011

Time for some art!

Hey all!

We've been busy with school the last couple of weeks so no updates, but that doesn't mean we were just goofing around ;DDD

A lot of pages for our upcoming doujin have been made and we are now busy with the most recent chapter.

Well, to keep you guys entertained, here is some art :

dinsdag 7 juni 2011

Muggling me moogles

Ahaha yeah...

During the last meeting, half of the conversation was about what to cosplay at Acon2011 instead of what to draw etc... I really liked the idea of doing a (slightly more human, not too much) version of the FFXII Moogle.

When drawing the outfit I kind of figured it would be too much effort if we also wanted to HAVE A LIFE :'D
And it looks more like Valblanc had a baby with Fran, but that's awwright.

Will be sold at Abunai2011 when improved and finished~

zondag 5 juni 2011

crazy, sexy blondie

Hey everyone :D
I really like the art style of PSG, and the music is sexy too.
I made this fanart of Panty because, well... I had to. It's Panty after all.

Guess what book she is holding while looking at you oh so sexually.

- Purico

zondag 22 mei 2011

A more natural approach

Heya all~!

Dispite the lack of a meeting this weekend, a tiny bit of art was made haha.
During last week's meeting we decided to finish our second Katekyõ Hitman Reborn doujin before Abunai (IN TIME!!) and hopefully a Vocaloid or combo doujin as well~!

Furthermore, at Animecon we discovered original art as well as commisions attracts more people. Sooo... Practise time!!
I practised with an old calligraphic pen and ink here, but getting back into aquarel and the likes will be lotsa fun too <3

Oh and I restyled our website again: click meeee
I hope it looks better

zondag 15 mei 2011

Update~ Concrete City~~

Yesterday Blogger was offline. Sorry about that.
I wanted to update our blogg for a long time XD
Here is our COVER!! almost done~

maandag 9 mei 2011

Update XDXD

Yayy Xanxus is done~~

Back from Animecon!!

Finally We're dead
Made some new friends, new cosplayers, pictures....
Next Con, Abunaicon!!!

Our Preview for Abunai~ KHR "Concrete City" Vol 2!!

donderdag 5 mei 2011

No new book in Animecon


We have decided to cancel our next book, "Contrete City" for Animecon 2011.
Our staff members health goes first of course.
We aren't really active, are we?
Forgive us,

With Regards
Andru Ha

woensdag 4 mei 2011

An-chan~ Dump


It's been a long time already..
Animecon is coming soon. I can't wait.
Right now I'm drawing some doodles. Orders from our Lovely Boss.

Shiro-chan's here XD